Wills, probate & administration of estates
Cyprus succession law is governed by the Wills and Succession Law/Cap 195, The Administration of Estates Law/Cap 189 and the Probates (Re- Sealing) Law/Cap 192 and EU Succession Regulation (650/2012) since Cyprus is a member of European Union.
According to the Wills and Succession Cap 195, a ‘Will’ means the legal declaration in writing of the intentions of a testator with respect to the disposal of his movable property or immovable property after his death and includes codicil.

In other words, a Will is a legal document which can be registered at the court that gives clear instructions on how you want your estate such as property, assets, money etc., to be managed after you die. Generally, a Will includes instructions like who will administer your estate. This avoids complicated, expensive and potentially divisive situation for your family and loved ones who don’t know your wishes.
Requirements for a Will to be valid
- the testator must be above 18 years old and be of sound mind.
- the will is signed by the testator and properly signed by at least two witnesses.
- The Will must be signed at the bottom of the last page by the testator and his initials or signature should be on every page of the Will.
- The witnesses must also sign and have their initials or signatures on every page of the Will. The witnesses should not be beneficiaries of the Will.
- it is advisable that a will is filed to Court.
In case when a person dies without a valid will then the estate will be distributed in accordance with the provisions of the Wills and Succession Law Cap. 195. In order to do so, then a close relative of the deceased such as a spouse or a child must file an application with a court registry asking it to grant them the letters of administration.
Our specialist Wills, probate & administration of estates department is dedicated to provide legal advice and assistance to the clients on the following:
- Will drafting
- Will Registration to the court.
- Wills’ disputes.
- Grant of Probate procedure.
- Preparation of applications and all the necessary documentation for the Grant of Probate.
- Appearing before the Courts.
- Acting as executors or administrators.
Contact us
Leave us a note and we will get back to you
- 00357 24000103
- maria@marinoulaw.com.cy
- No 14, United Nations, K&L Constanti Building, 5th Floor, Larnaca 6042, Cyprus